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Blog Post Prompts

For Warriors:

-How has your illness shaped you?

-What motivates you to choose joy?

-How do you fight like a warrior?

-What are your dreams and aspirations? 

-Are there stereotypes that bother you or molds you wish were broken?

-Is your illness invisible? What do you wish others could see? 

-Is there a medical professional that has made a big impact on your story?

-What do you wish was different about the healthcare system?

-What are you most passionate about? 

-How has the online chronic illness community impacted your story?

-Letter to your younger self

-Letter to your future self

-Friendships/relationships and chronic illness 

-School and chronic illness

-Work and chronic illness

-A poem about how you are feeling

-A letter to someone who is recently diagnosed with your condition

-Who has been your biggest supporter?

-What is something you wished people knew about your condition?

For Caregivers:

-How does taking care of a loved one impact your life?

-What do you think people often misunderstand about being a caregiver?

-What do you wish people knew about caring for a child with complex medical needs?

-What is the most challenging part of caring for someone?

-What is something you wish was different about the healthcare system?

-What lessons has being a caregiver taught you?

-What do you and your loved one like to do for fun?

-Describe a great day with your loved one that you will never forget 


For Medical Professionals:

-What is the most rewarding part of working with patients with chronic conditions?

-Why did you decide to enter your profession?

-What inspires you to continue working in your field?

-What is something you wish was different about your job or the healthcare system?

-What are you most passionate about?

-What is something you wished more people knew about your job?


*These are NOT the only things you can write about! All ideas are welcome. 

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