Jan 2, 2020
A Thank You Note To My Chronic Illness
Dear Chronic Illness, Although you have made my life so hard I wanted to thank you. If it wasn’t for you I would have never found myself....
Dec 5, 2019
10 Things to Make Recovery from Major Surgery Easier
I had spinal fusion surgery this June. The recovery is long and often very boring. I have always been a very active person who enjoys...
Oct 31, 2019
The Road to a POTS Diagnosis: My Journey Through Bravery & Comics
Hello! ’Tis I, your friendly neighborhood comic artist, @potsiespoons! October is a most magical month for me—the changing leaves,...
Oct 22, 2019
My Body and Me: A Poem
There’s a disconnect Between my body and me It all began at birth Within a sliver of a moon’s phase There was a chasm A bloody,...
Oct 10, 2019
The Painful Truth About Chronic Pain
We have all experienced pain at some point in our lives. Many times pain is our bodies signaling us that there is a problem. Usually,...